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1) Matt Brenner  Male
Plano TX Location
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Thursday, February 8, 2007 01:09 AM Permalink

I like how listening to your groves helps take trance to a new level for me. A new high, the next plane. It's interesting how other artists of the similar genre only allow me to travel so far before the fascad of reality is shatered like a mirror reflecting my soul back at my conscience. YouR music takes me all the way and back, it's smooth trips, and I like traveling on top of your sine waves bro!. MDMA is too troublesome for my needs...I worked with a biochemist with a PHd and modified the magic of it into MDNMDA, which has no side-effects at all and causes hallucinations 3x the intensity of LSD, side-effect or long-term damage. it's the perfect drug, plain and simple. more people should learn about it. we did 4000 test cases on random people with different concentration, all the subjects return 100% perfect results. Instead of flushing the mind of seratonin, (like MDMA), this [relatively] new stuff works on a whole series of brain-reactive chemicals and is specifically designed to cause the safest, yet most potent combinations. I've taken a trip atleast everyother night for 10 years...i am still perfectly anatomically healthy...athough my normal dreams are always whacked up!
FYI: sex while under the influence of this drug is so much more exquisite and better then normal sex that you will never enjoy normall sex again!!!!!! I've come very close to fucking on this drug, but have always been able to resist the unbelivable urge till after the effects have passed (usually (depends on dosage and time-release) 10 minutes to 2 hours). smile wink smile wow
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